Miss Rain Day Pageant 2013
Photo - Bruno & Bruno © 2013
Stephanie Mitchell is the 17 year old daughter of Jim and Becky Mitchell of Carmichaels and the sister of two great brothers, Mike and Landen. She is currently a junior, high honors student at Carmichaels Area Junior Senior High School.
In school, she is a member of the varsity cheerleadering squad, assists in organizing her school’s annual PINK OUT to support Greene County’s Relay for Life, and is a proud big sister in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. Stephanie is also a member of the Junior Standing Committee, the student council, the ski club, the school’s Women’s Ensemble Choral group, Student’s Against Destructive Decision and was selected to attend the Westinghouse Science Honors Institute.
Out of school, she is a 14 year dance student at the Tricia Ricco Dance Studio in Carmichaels where she studies all phases of dance under the direction of Tricia Ricco Lohr and Kris Pramuk-Buchannon and is very excited to be a first year instructor. Stephanie is a member of Saint Hugh Roman Catholic Church, where she volunteers at Vacation Bible School and the Saint Mary’s Church festival.
The title of Miss Rain Day has given Stephanie the opportunity to participate in numerous parades, attend many events throughout the area, and meet many wonderful people throughout Greene County. This past Christmas, Stephanie teamed up with Community Bank and the Greene County Leathernecks in the Annual Toys for Tots drive. The donations that were brought in through her drop points were over-whelming and helped brighten many children’s lives this Christmas.
In her free time, Stephanie enjoys skiing, swimming, texting, spending time with her family and friends, watching/attending various sporting events and shopping with her mom.
Stephanie’s future plans are to attend college and pursue a degree in Sports Medicine with an emphasis in Physical Therapy.
Archived News
Miss Rain Day raising money for Alzheimer's Association - 8/3/13
Carmichaels girl crowned Miss Rain Day - 7/29/13
Miss Rain Day walks for Alzheimer’s research - 7/26/13
Reflecting on rain royalty - 7/25/13
Kendall Lewis ready to relinquish crown - 7/24/13
Coleman Scott betting against rain on Rain Day - 7/23/13
Rain Day Pageant this Sunday - 7/22/13
The GreeneSaver covers Rain Day
Mayor takes on Coleman Scott in Rain Day hat bet - 7/19/13
Seven young ladies to compete for Rain Day royalty
Miss Rain Day to host benefit walk for Alzheimer’s research - 7/11/13
Rain Day listed as ‘wacky’ summer event - 7/10/13
Miss Rain Day plans service project - 7/8/2013
Seven young ladies to compete for Miss Rain Day title - 6/21/13
Rain Day contestants preparing for pageant - 6/18/13
Rain Day applications being accepted - 4/19/13
Miss Rain Day speaks at Rotary meeting - 4/9/13
The 2014 Miss Rain Day Pageant Applications are now available! Miss Rain Day Stephanie Mitchell is pictured mailing out 2014 applications. Download now!
Miss Rain Day Stephanie Mitchell pictured with the 2014 Miss Greene County judges Alyssa Gallagher (NAM Miss PA Jr. Teen 2012), Annie Rosellini (Miss PA 2013), Melessie Clark (Miss Steel Town 2013) & Heather Wells (Miss Ohio 2013)!
Miss Rain Day Stephanie Mitchell & Coal Queen Marina Stefano at the Miss Greene County Pageant on February 23rd!
Miss Rain Day Stephanie Mitchell was a guest speaker at the Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting & Luncheon on February 26th!
Emilia, President, Miss Rain Day - Stephanie, & Jeanine, Director - Rain Day Scholarship, Inc.
Melody Longstreth,Executive Director - Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce, Miss Rain Day - Stephanie & Alan Laick, President - Waynesburg Area Chamber of Commerce
2013 COC Christmas Parade: Miss Rain Day with Doug Wilson!
2013 WP&B Open House: Miss Rain Day with friends at Carriage Rides
Christmas Tree Extravaganza - Tree Donation in Support of the Food Bank
Waynesburg Rotary Guest Speaker: Miss Rain Day with Bettie Stammerjohn, President
COC DSA Banquet: Miss Rain Day
Miss Rain Day with Cindy Curtis & Emilia Burtugli
Waynesburg Veterans Day Parade
2013 Heroes Run
WP&B 50's Fest with Crazy Dougie Wilson & Christian
King Coal Parade
Rain Day Fun!
Miss Rain Day Kendall Lewis and the Rain Day Girls are dedicated their time for a great cause this past Friday, July 19th – the Greene County Memorial Hospital Foundation Golf Outing at Rohanna’s Golf Course while also having some fun the greens!
Miss Rain Day Kendall Lewis & the Rain Day Girls attend Disney's The Little Mermaid at the Bendum Theater in Pittsburg followed by dinner at the Spaghetti Warehouse!
2013 Miss Rain Day Pageant Sponsors
2013 Service Project: Walk with Miss Rain Day Kendall Lewis & the Rain Day Girls to End Alzheimer's
Kendall - Miss Rain Day and the 2013 Contestants enjoyed an evening at Consol Energy Park to watch the Wild Things!
Miss Rain Day 2012 Kendall Lewis, the 17-year old daughter of Mark and Jennette Lewis of Carmichaels,
is guiding the 2013 contestants through their quest for the title and will relinquish the crown to one of this year’s
Photo - Bruno & Bruno © 2013
Miss Rain Day Crowned!
Miss Rain Day 2013 – Stephanie Mitchell
First Runner Up – Allie Christopher
Second Runner Up – Amanda Frampton
Top Interview, Sportswear & Gown – Stephanie Mitchell
Top Talent – Allie Christopher & Amanda Frampton
Academic Achievement – Amanda Frampton
Rain Maker - Amanda Frampton
John O'Hara Essay Award - Morgan Voithofer
Miss Photogenic – Allie Christopher
Pageantry Spirit – Allie Christopher
Miss Personality – Allie Christopher & Morgan Voithofer
Kelly Smotzer Memorial Award – Stephanie Mitchell
Remo C. Bertugli Memorial Essay Award - Morgan Voithofer
2013 WANB Miss Rain Day Radio Interviews
Click below to listen to the radio interviews:
Morgan Voithofer
Amanda Frampton
Carly Riggi
Tanya Phillips
Lesley Tift
Stephanie Mitchell
Allie Christopher
MRD 2012 - Kendall Lewis
Those competing for the title and the schools they attend are as follows:
Lilly Myers - 2013 CrownbearerLilly is the 3 year old daughter of Amy and Ken Myers of Latrobe. She is the granddaughter of Ralph and Diane Ewart of Carmichaels and Bob and Lucille Myers of Luxor. Lilly participates in many recreation programs such as swimming lessons, gymnastics, Little Sprouts Farm Classes, Winnie Palmer Tiny Wonders Nature Program, and storytime. Lilly is always playing doctor and says when she grows up she is going to be a doctor just like her favorite character Doc Mcstuffins. She will be attending Prince of Peace of Nursery School in the Fall.
Elissa McCracken, Miss Ohio 2012, is the daughter of Jeff and Helen McCracken of Waynesburg. She got her pageant start in Greene County, when she first began by participating in the Young Miss Greene County Pageant at the age of 12. She captured that title in 2006 and then went on to accomplish one of her childhood dreams, becoming Miss Ran Day 2008. Elissa competed in the Miss America Pageant in Las Vegas this past January, where she was one of 16 contestants to be awarded the Duke of Edinburgh Award, based on service to others. Elissa has had many great experiences as Miss Ohio, and has won over $30,000 in scholarship money through the Miss America Organization. Her pageant platform is “Stop Cyberbullying” and she has spoken to thousands of students across the state of Ohio about how to deal with bullying and stay safe online. In the fall, Elissa will be returning to Ohio Northern University, where she will continue her studies as a fourth year pharmacy student. At ONU, Elissa is a member of Delta Zeta Sorority, the Presidents’ Club and Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity.
Front Row: (l to r)Tanya Phillips, Morgan Voithofer, Lilly Myers – Crown Bearer, Amanda Frampton. 2nd Row: (l to r) Carly Riggi, Kendall Lewis – Miss Rain Day, Stephanie Mitchell. 3rd Row: (l-r)Allie Christopher, Leslie Tift, Elissa McCracken – Miss Ohio 2012.-
Allie Christopher, the 16 year old daughter of Kenny and Tammy Christopher of Carmichaels; Carmichaels Area Junior Senior High School
Amanda Frampton, the 15 year old daughter of Stephen and Debra Frampton of New Freeport; West Greene High School
Stephanie Mitchell, the 16 year of daughter of Jim and Becky Mitchell of Carmichaels; Carmichaels Area Junior Senior High School
Tanya Phillips, the 17 year old daughter of Terry and Ethel Phillips of New Freeport; West Greene High School
Carly Riggi, the 14 year old daughter of John and Josey Riggi of Rices Landing; Jefferson Morgan Junior Senior High School
Leslie Tift, the 17 year old daughter of Wes and Justine Tift of Rices Landing; Jefferson Morgan Junior Senior High School
Morgan Voithofer, the 14 year old daughter of Jason Voithofer and Heather Voithofer, both of Carmichaels; Carmichaels Area Junior Senior High School
Professional Photos courtesy of Bruno & Bruno © 2013
- Miss Rain Day Pageant 2013 Kick-Off Banquet
- Seven young women from throughout Greene County gathered recently at the Glass Room in the Benedum Hall on the Waynesburg University campus to officially kick off their quest for the Miss Rain Day title. Pictured (l. to r.): Lilly Myers, crown bearer; Kendall Lewis, Miss Rain Day 2012; and Miss Rain Day 2013 contestants Allie Christopher, Lesley Tift, Stephanie Mitchell, Tanya Phillips, Carly Riggi, Morgan Voithoffer and Amanda Frampton.
- Seven young women from throughout Greene County gathered recently at the Glass Room in the Benedum Hall on the Waynesburg University campus to officially kick off their quest for the Miss Rain Day title.
- These young ladies and their guests were treated to a dinner, courtesy of McCracken’s Pharmacy. Distinguished guests for the evening were Miss Kendall Lewis, 2012 Miss Rain Day, Miss Lilly Myers, 2013 Crown Bearer, and Miss Elissa McCracken, Miss Ohio 2012. Lilly is the daughter of Amy and Ken Myers of Latrobe; Elissa is the daughter of Jeff and Helen McCracken of Waynesburg and was Miss Rain Day 2008 – “we were thrilled to have her come home to where it all started to speak to the contestants – aka The Rain Day Girls!”
- The 35th annual Miss Rain Day Scholarship Pageant, sponsored by Rain Day Scholarship, Inc, will be held Sunday, July 28, at 4:00 p.m. in the Waynesburg Central High School auditorium.
- The contestants will be judged on the basis of personal interview, sportswear, talent, and evening gown competitions.
- Awards will be presented to those with top scores in these areas as well as Miss Personality, Miss Photogenic, the Kelly Smotzer Memorial Award, The Remo C. Bertugli Memorial Award, and returning this year, the Scholastic Achievement Award. Participation awards will also be given to all contestants.
- A Rain Maker Award will be presented to the contestant who collects the most scholarships, and the John O’Hara Award will be given to the contestant who composes the best essay on what Rain Day means to them.
- Westmoreland County Community College is again offering of a tuition scholarship to Miss Rain Day 2013. The scholarship may be applied to any of Westmoreland County Community College’s 65 associate degree programs that prepare students for careers or provide the first two years of the bachelor’s degree. Westmoreland County Community College President Daniel Obara noted “On behalf of our Greene County Education Center, Westmoreland County Community College is pleased to offer a tuition scholarship to this year’s Miss Rain Day Pageant winner.”
In the next few weeks, the contestants will have their portrait taken courtesy of Bruno and Bruno photography, hold interviews with WANB Radio and “Crazy Dougie Wilson”, participate in a community service project and attend a special dinner and performance of “Disney’s The Little Mermaid” at the Benedum Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Limousine transportation to this event is being provided by Lewis Limousine.
- The contestants will also spend an evening at the ball game watching the Washington Wild Things, volunteer their time at the Greene County Memorial Hospital Foundation Golf Outing and Rain Day 5K race.
- After the pageant, Miss Rain Day 2013, her court and the contestants will participate in the Rain Day Festival on July 29, and the winners will perform for the festival goers.
- Miss Rain Day 2012 Kendall Lewis, the 17-year old daughter of Mark and Jennette Lewis of Carmichaels, is guiding the 2013 contestants through their quest for the title and will relinquish the crown to one of this year’s contestant. In her remarks to the 2013 Contestants, Kendall stated, “as I grew older, I started to realize that the title of Miss Rain Day is much more than just a pretty crown on your head. Miss Rain Day is a role model, a leader, and a young responsible girl who loves her community. That is exactly when I decided that I wanted to participate in the Miss Rain Day scholarship pageant.”
- Those competing for the title and the schools they attend are as follows:
- Allie Christopher, the 16 year old daughter of Kenny and Tammy Christopher of Carmichaels; Carmichaels Area Junior Senior High School
Amanda Frampton, the 15 year old daughter of Stephen and Debra Frampton of New Freeport; West Greene High School
Stephanie Mitchell, the 16 year of daughter of Jim and Becky Mitchell of Carmichaels; Carmichaels Area Junior Senior High School
Tanya Phillips, the 17 year old daughter of Terry and Ethel Phillips of New Freeport; West Greene High School
Carly Riggi, the 14 year old daughter of John and Josey Riggi of Rices Landing; Jefferson Morgan Junior Senior High School
Leslie Tift, the 17 year old daughter of Wes and Justine Tift of Rices Landing; Jefferson Morgan Junior Senior High School
Morgan Voithofer, the 14 year old daughter of Jason Voithofer and Heather Voithofer, both of Carmichaels; Carmichaels Area Junior Senior High School